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在当今快节奏和不断变化的世界中,数据是至高无上的. Successful conglomerates across the globe use data to shape decisions and strategies— and they need data fluent professionals to decipher the stories that data tells. If you’ve ever felt like the ads in your social feed are two steps ahead of you— the answer isn’t mind reading, 这是数据科学. 

Data science as a field is growing exponentially, creating more jobs and opportunities every year. The demand for data experts is at an all-time high, so what are you waiting for? 如果你对与科技相关的职业感兴趣, 分析与创新, 那么数据科学可能就是你的使命.


Data science is not just about interpreting data; it's about turning raw data into actionable insights. 它涉及到收集的过程, 清洁, analyzing and interpreting vast sets of data to make informed decisions. In short, data experts are the modern-day alchemists turning raw data into gold for businesses.

像亚马逊这样的全球性公司, Netflix and American Express are constantly leveraging data science to gain a competitive edge. They harness the power of Big Data to excel in their respective markets and rely heavily on data teams and leaders to uncover insights and make data-driven decisions that can contribute to their continued success.

以亚马逊为例. 这家电子商务巨头利用数据科学来推荐产品, 优化供应链,预测特定产品的需求. 如果你在亚马逊上买咖啡机, 这个网站马上就会推荐过滤器之类的东西, 咖啡粉和马克杯. 类似的, Netflix uses data science to suggest movies and TV shows you're likely to enjoy, 保持你的参与和订阅. If you’re known to enjoy a good horror movie, Netflix continues recommending that genre. 你发现和消费的内容越多,Netflix就越成功. 

Dr. Nimet Alpay博士.D.M .的项目主席.S. mg不朽情缘游戏网址数据分析专业, describes data as "the fuel of decision-making in business" and posits that "data and analytics are being used in almost every field." Countless professionals agree that success in today's business environment requires the ability to 认为data-analytically.

Get a FREE roadmap that includes insider information to help you maximize the many opportunities in the fast-growing field of Big Data.



数据科学学位是通往充满机遇的世界的大门. 随着数据驱动的领域不断扩大, there has never been a better time to embark on this exciting and rewarding career path. 你是否对大数据感兴趣, 预测分析, 机器学习或数据工程, a data science degree equips you with the skills to thrive in a rapidly evolving job market.

Earning a degree in data science can help you hone the skills needed for data-focused careers, 包括数据可视化, 大数据系统和流程, 并帮助您熟悉数据分析工具, 比如Python和R.

A data science degree can also help open doors to a myriad of job opportunities and empower you to navigate the world's data-driven landscape. And that landscape is an area ripe with opportunity and potential growth.

增长了多少?? 在过去的五年中超过2.为数据科学专业人员创造了500万个工作岗位, 根据Lightcast, 一家领先的劳动力分析公司. 美国.S. 劳工统计局, 与此同时, 据估计,从事数据科学工作的平均工资为 $103,500.

工作 & 数据科学专业的就业机会

数据科学的职业机会是多种多样的, with various avenues to explore in the field that don’t show signs of slowing. 

根据美国劳工统计局的数据, 未来10年,数据科学职位预计将增长136%, 哪个高于其他领域的平均水平. 数据科学领域的具体工作——金融分析师, 计算机和信息研究科学家, 数据库管理员, actuaries and data scientists— are projected to grow 42% 根据Lightcast. 这种需求反映了数据在mg不朽情缘游戏网址生活中越来越重要.

当你探索数据科学的就业市场, 您将遇到各种各样的角色, 包括但不限于:

  • 金融分析师 guide business and individuals in decisions regarding investing money to earn profit — these professionals earn an average income of $96,每年220人,预计未来10年将增长8%, 哪个比平均速度快.
  • 数据科学家 use analytical tools and techniques to extract meaningful insights from data and earn around $103,每年000. 就业前景显示,从2022年到2032年,就业增长估计为35%.
  • 数据库管理员和架构师 create or organize systems to store and secure data and earn more than $112,1万美元一年, 就业前景显示,未来十年的增长率为8%.
  • 精算师 使用统计数据, mathematics and financial theory to analyze the economics costs of risk and uncertainty. 精算师 earn $113,990 annually and are expected to grow 23% by 2032.
  • 计算机和信息研究科学家 为新的和现有的计算技术设计创新的用途, 平均收入136美元,到2032年,预计就业增长率为23%. 

These are just a few examples of the abundance of career paths accessible by a data science degree. 数据科学的美妙之处在于它的多功能性.

你的前进之路:探索mg不朽情缘游戏网址的B.S. 在分析-应用数据科学

Within our data-centric world, data scientists and those who understand data play a crucial role. Pursuing a data science degree broadens your horizon on a global scale and provides multiple opportunities spanning many industries, giving you the skills needed to excel in a continually evolving job market. mg不朽情缘游戏网址B级.S. 在分析-应用数据科学计划 成为通往成功的途径.

Earning a degree in data science enables you to apply analytics to real-world issues, 开发, manage and optimize data systems and attain proficiency with indispensable tools like SQL, Python, R和Tableau. With mg不朽情缘游戏网址's support through 100% online classes and expertise of faculty, you are well-equipped to confront the challenges and prospects of a world driven by data, 确保在这个不断扩大的领域有一个充满希望的未来.

加速您的数据 & 商业分析
9 data professionals share insider secrets on building a thriving (and high-paying) data-centric career.